The Exchange officially launched on October 14th, 2012 as a new service/expression of First Alliance Church. The goal was to reach people that FAC were not reaching. Pastors Brad Young and Caleb Delamont began to lead this new community as it sought to find its identity and purpose.

On January 15th, 2013 they both had a profound life-changing encounter with Jesus. The Holy Spirit opened their eyes in a brand new way to the beauty and the freedom found in the Good News about Jesus. It became something that was profoundly relevant not just for salvation but also for everyday life. With a renewed passion for Jesus and zeal for ministry they committed to do everything they could to faithfully point to Jesus and proclaim His message.

For each Sunday gathering from that point on the chief goal became to hold up the Good News about Jesus above all and in all that we said and did. The shift was palpable. Lifelong Christians began to wake up and find new joy and freedom in Jesus. Shortly after that it became clear that Jesus was saving unchurched people as well. 

At this time God was moving in Pastor Brad and Caleb’s hearts and affirming the call to church planting. In February of 2016 they presented a proposal to the Elders of First Alliance Church that The Exchange should become a new church planted out of FAC. They agreed wholeheartedly and with a unanimous decision gave their blessing for the planting of The Exchange Church.

We see a great need in Calgary for more churches commited to holding up the Good News about Jesus. We are excited for the future as we embark on this new adventure connecting people with Jesus and His mission in Calgary and around the world. 


our vision

Make Disciples: Help all kinds of people become students of Jesus. Immerse them in the reality of God’s nature. Teach them how to obey everything Jesus commanded.

 This is our mission from Jesus, Himself. It is our unchanging calling and any group of “Christians” who does not have this as their primary mission cannot be called the church.

They don’t have to use the exact language but the reality must be there.

We sum up our mission with the phrase,

“Leading people to encounter Jesus”.


our mission

Leading people to encounter Jesus.
Our city will be saturated with the presence of Jesus as people become disciples of Jesus who are committed to leading others to become disciples of Jesus in the everyday stuff of life.

Jesus commissioned his disciples to be disciples who make disciples. A disciple of Jesus is committed to bringing all of life increasingly under the lordship of Jesus. They are also committed to leading others to bring all of life increasingly under the Lordship of Jesus. The mission of The Exchange Church is not just to grow a Sunday gathering or fill community groups with people. Our desire is to equip God's people to be disciples who make disciples so that every place might be saturated with the presence of Jesus. 

We believe that joining Jesus on His mission is the most exciting way to live.
Come be a part of our family as we join Jesus in his work in the world.

these are our values

1. Worship

We cannot do what God has called us to do without worship. Our worship will serve as the barometer of our success because unless God moves, we have no hope of accomplishing his mission. Only Jesus heals. Only Jesus changes hearts. Only Jesus saves…so we worship Him. 

2. Community

We were created to thrive in relationships. The Exchange Church strives to be a place where deep, faith strengthening relationships can develop and thrive in the context of community. 

3. Multiplication

Multiplication is what Christian ministry is all about. We are disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples. Multiplication permeates everything we do from individuals to community groups to starting new churches.

beliefs & information

As a Christian and Missionary Alliance church, we subscribe to the statement of faith outlined by the Alliance Churches in Canada.

what we believe

Our Basic Beliefs represent the foundational beliefs of Christianity. They capture the basic contours of Christian theology. These are the core, non-negotiable truths that we adhere to as Bible believing Christians and represent what we are in agreement with when we make a public declaration of these beliefs through water baptism. 

No. 1

the Scriptures are true, authoritative and sufficient.

No. 2

there is only one true God, Creator of heaven and earth, who eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

No. 3

all things exist for the glory of God.

No. 4

Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, was born of a virgin and is both fully God and fully human.

No. 5

Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and will one day physically return.

No. 6

there will be a future physical resurrection of the dead. Only those who are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, will be raised to eternal reward.